How AI & Cloud Make Daily Network Management Cheaper
What impresses me most as a technical person is, whenever I switch from Mist to a classic controller. The simplicity in which the platform is built, everything is put in a logical place. When using the platform, you really notice that they started building from scratch. This in order to build a platform that does what it needs to do, make Wi-Fi simple.
When you work with a controller that has been evolving for years, you notice that everything is hidden under sub-menu after sub-menu. You keep clicking until you finally find that one setting you wanted to find. With Mist, they look at the concept differently
How can Mist Marvis help to troubleshoot a client?
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) uses icons, menus and a mouse to manage interaction with the system. An example of the GUI are the Windows, MacOs environment, etc. Everything that you find in the GUI, you need for 99% of your installations/ options, only in 1% of the cases you need the Application Programming Interface (API).
This makes the GUI easy and user friendly. It is easy in configuration, but also easy in troubleshooting. In just a few clicks you know exactly what it’s all about. And, if you don’t want to click, you can always ask Mist (Marvis) to troubleshoot a client.
A concrete example I had recently with a client. The client could not connect, the logs were vague and the cause unclear. “All settings were correct”, was the feedback of the customer.
Until, after a short period of searching ourselves (we are techies after all …), we called in the help of the platform (Marvis). Troubleshoot client X. What we got back surprised us all. An incorrect Pre shared Key was entered on the client. We looked at each other and against our instincts we entered it again. In our heads we had already done this 8 times … Yet Marvis was right.
By using the platform (Marvis) more and more, I myself have become more convinced of the fact that, if we use the technology in the right way, we definitely see a profit in the cost of daily management. This new approach on an existing data has its value and regularly that value comes out very clearly as pure time savings!
If you are interested in the benefits of Mist Marvis and how it can help you move forward. Get in touch! Send us an email at or give us a call at +32 9 394 99 11.
Author: Yves Weyns